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29 Nov 2022

5 Reasons why you should start hiring in December

Why should your business start to hire in December? We often consider January as the perfect time to hire or get hired. Everyone just returned...

Why should your business start to hire in December?

We often consider January as the perfect time to hire or get hired. Everyone just returned from holiday, businesses have set their New Year’s resolutions, and hiring managers are looking to prepare their teams for the year.

The truth is that December is far better to begin your hiring process. Here are 5 reasons why that is the case:

  • Head start over competing companies to get the best talent available
  • Candidates are eager to start the new year with a new employment
  • Lack of competition
  • Start early the hiring process to get more profitable sooner
  • Hires carried out in Q4 are proven to integrate and have an impact faster

Your Partner In Growth

As the European MarTech market grows, so does the demand for talent to support it. We Storm5 are specialized in connecting experts in eCommerce, Supply Chain Management, XR, MarTech, and Last Mile Delivery with your organization. We will find the right senior talent for you, to assist your startup in its growth and expansion phase. Do not hesitate to contact us; we would be delighted to see how we can assist and support you in your journey and with your recruitment needs. 

We’ve helped some of the most successful RetailTech startups grow.

— now it’s your turn.