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17 Mar 2022
Startup Journey

MarTech Employee Retention

According to research, the tech industry has one of the highest turnover rates, at 13.2%. Retail — a historically high-churn sector — follows closely behind...

According to research, the tech industry has one of the highest turnover rates, at 13.2%. Retail — a historically high-churn sector — follows closely behind at 13%.

Employees leave companies for a variety of reasons. Some employees leave in search of higher-paying positions, while others leave due to factors such as a lack of company culture. Regardless of the reason, employee turnover is costly and disruptive.

The goal isn’t to achieve a 0% employee turnover rate, as some turnover is beneficial (i.e. making sure you are bringing in fresh talent to help improve the business).

This report will look at the importance of making a determined effort in retaining your best talent, why people leave a business and the steps you can implement today to improve your employee retention.

Check out our sneak preview & then download the full version below!

Like what you see? Download your copy of Storm5’s ‘MarTech Employee Retention Report’ report below. 

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